Diploma in Training and Development

Module 1
Study Skills and Personal Development
Unit 1: Developing an Effective Reading Style
As reading constitutes a large part of distance learning, this unit aims to encourage the development of an effective reading style. The course member can then in turn make the best use of the course materials, prepare notes, and understand the main concepts raised during their studies.
Unit 2: Using Your Own Experience to Put Forward an Academic Argument
This unit explores the concept of analysis and looks at how use personal experience in an assignment. The unit also discusses how the workplace can be an additional source of information when writing assignments.
Unit 3: Argument and Analysis in Assignment Writing
This unit aims to show the student how effective reading and note-taking and the ability to analyse workplace experience are useful when writing academic assignments.

Module 2
The Learning Process and the Practice of Training and Development
Unit 1: What is Training?
This unit looks at the meaning of training and attempts to differentiate between training, development and educational development. The unit then places training in context by considering the role of training and the benefits it can have for both the individual and the organisation.

Unit 2: Encouraging Learning: Motivation and Communication
The motivational factors which encourage work-related learning are explored in this unit. The reasons why people learn at work are considered, and also theories which have attempted to explain what makes people want to learn at work. The unit also looks at how communication processes and individual communication skills are essential in supporting training and development.
Unit 3: Are There Any Principles of Training?
This unit considers the principles of training, exploring the main ideas contained within learning theory. Are there any principles of training? How can they help in the work of the HRD professional? These two questions form the basis of this unit. The course member is taken through examples of how the principles outlined can be used to improve performance.
Unit 4: The Practice of Training
This unit examines the key components of training practice and considers how to plan and implement a training programme.

Module 3
Management in Organisations
Unit 1: Understanding Organisation Structure, Systems and Culture
This unit examines what we mean by an organisation and the context it provides for the learning of its members. It reviews the development of organisation theory over time and what we have learned about organisations and their structures, systems and cultures.
Unit 2: What is Management? What is Leadership?
This unit introduces the course member to the theory and practice of management within the organisation, and considers the emerging importance of leadership.
Unit 3: Management and HRM
This unit examines the relationship between management and human resource management, and how the two functions are interrelated in modern organisations.
Unit 4: Developing Human Resources
This unit introduces different perspectives on the development of human resources and shows how they contribute to the achievement of the strategic goals of the organisation.
Unit 5: Organisational Restructuring and the Learning Organisation
This unit looks at the concept of the ‘learning organisation’ and shows how organisations can achieve collective and continuous learning.

Module 4
Training and Management Policy
Unit 1: The Scope of Training
This unit looks at the factors which can influence the amount and type of training undertaken in organisations. It also explains the relationship between ‘systems’ theory and variations in employee development practices, and identifies the opportunities and limitations related to changing the amount and type of training within your organisation.
Unit 2: Training and Business Strategy
This unit examines the extent to which organisations link training to business strategy, vertical and horizontal integration of personnel and development functions, human resource planning, the HRM philosophy, organisational level training needs, and performance management.
Unit 3: Training Policies within the Organisation
This unit intends to outline the role of training policies within organisations and describe the traditional ‘training’ roles associated with the management of training in organisations and their development needs. It also states the reasons why ‘managing relationships and marketing’ are essential management skills for training and development professionals, and describes the main training and development models used for implementing training policies.
Unit 4: Evaluating Training within the Organisation
This unit aims to provide an insight into the assessment and evaluation of organisational learning strategies, and their contribution to the objectives of the organisation.

Module 5
Training Project
Module 5 is a research-based project which helps the course member to identify, study and evaluate a particular issue of interest to them. The module starts with a general discussion on identifying a suitable research problem which relates to the course materials, before moving on to discuss the various research methods available. Some of the potential pitfalls are highlighted and these are discussed. The module also explores the various ways in which research findings can be presented making good use of the data generated.

Module 6
Culture and the International Context
Unit 1: Theorising the International context
This unit focuses on the concepts and debates which relate to understanding the international context, beginning by examining the process that is commonly referred to as ‘globalisation’. The ‘convergence—divergence’ debate is also explored, and also the terms ‘culture’ and ‘ideology’ in an attempt to integrate the key contributions from both the convergence and divergence schools.
Unit 2: Training and HRM in the International Context
This unit focuses on how culture and globalisation influence training and HRM practice. It begins by looking at cross-cultural communication and discussion of some of the issues involved in working in a different country. The unit concludes with a cross-cultural analysis of orientations to work, motivation and stress.
Unit 3: National VET Systems as Organisational Environments
This unit explores the impact of globalisation at the national level, comparing a number of national systems of education and training. It looks at the way national systems of Vocational Education and Training (VET) frame and, ultimately, influence the work of the training and HRM practitioner. How different countries have responded to the pressures of increased international competition and globalisation.

Course Dates
From To
1 May 2007 June 2011
2 July 2007 August 2011
3 October 2007 December 2011

Sally Gatward
0116 2525954

Email Link: Sally.gatward@le.ac.uk

Web: www.clms.le.ac.uk

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